
Journal Publications during 2015 to 2021


  1. Manoj Kumar, Naveen Kalra, Hukum Singh, Subrat Sharma, Praveen Singh Rawat, Ramkumar Singh, Ajay Kumar Gupta, Pavan Kumar, N H Ravindranath. Indicator-based vulnerability assessment of forest ecosystem in the Indian Western Himalayas: An analytical hierarchy process integrated approach. Ecological Indicators. Volume 125, June 2021, 107568. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  2. Manoj Kumar, M P Singh, Hukum Singh, P M Dhakate and N H Ravindranath. Forest working plan for the sustainable management of forest and biodiversity in India. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. Vol. 39, Issue 1, 2020.
  3. Manoj Kumar, Naveen Kalra and H. Ravindranath, 2020, Assessing the response of forests to environmental variables using a dynamic global vegetation model: an Indian perspective, Current Science, Vol. 118, No. 5. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  4. Jagmohan Sharma and N H Ravindranath (2019). Applying IPCC 2014 framework for hazard-specific vulnerability assessment under climate change. Environmental Research Communication, Vol. 1, No. 5, 2019. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  5. , S. Upgupta., L. D. Bhatta., J. Mathangi., D.S. Anitha., K. Sindhu., Vidya Kumar., N.K. Agrawal., M.S.R. Murthy., F. Qamar., Indu K. Murthy., J. Sharma., R.K. Chaturvedi., G. Bala and N.H. Ravindranath. 2018. Impact of Climate Change on Forests of Himalayan River Basins: Brahmaputra, Koshi and Indus, American Journal of Climate Change, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2018. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  6. Manoj Kumar, Savita Hukum Singh, Rajiv Pandey, M. P. Singh, H. Ravindranath and Naveen Kalra, 2018 Assessing vulnerability of forest ecosystem in the Indian Western Himalayan region using trends of net primary productivity, Biodiversity and Conservation, 28 (8-9), 2163-2182 [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  7. H. Ravindranath and Gopalakrishnan R. (2018). Unmasking the story behind forest carbon flux: an integrated remote-sensing based approach. Environmental Research Letters, [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  8. Bhat P R., Hegde G T., Shastri C M., Deepak Shetti., Indu K Murthy., Murali K S and Ravindranath N H. (2018). Trends in Yield of Selected Non-Timber Forest Product Yielding Species in the Western Ghats, India: Implications for Sustainability, International Journal of Advanced Earth Science and Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 622-634.
  9. H. Ravindranath, Chaturvedi R K and Kumar P, 2017. Paris Agreement; research, monitoring and reporting requirements for India, Current Science, VOL. 112, NO. 5, 10 March 2017. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  10. Asbjørn A, Anton Orlov, Chaturvedi R K, Priya Joshi, Sagadevan A, H. Ravindranath. 2017, Lost benefits and carbon uptake by protection of Indian plantations. Accepted for publication in Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  11. Priya Joshi., Indu K Murthy, Gurunath T Hegde, Vani Sathyanarayan, Savithri Bhat, Vishal Patil, and Tashina Esteves and N H Ravindranath, 2017. Biophysical Quantification of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Forest Ecosystems in the Western Ghats: A Case Study of Uttara Kannada District. Journal of Forestry Research
  12. Sharma J, Upgupta S, Mathangi J, Bala G, H. Ravindranath. (2017). Vulnerability of Forests in India: A National Scale Assessment. Environmental Management, VOL 60, NO. 3.
  13. C. Sahu, Manish Kumar and N. H. Ravindranath, 2016. Carbon stocks in natural and planted mangrove forests of Mahanadi Mangrove Wetland, East Coast of India, Current Science, VOL. 110, NO. 12, 25 June 2016. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  14. Bhat P R., Hegde G T., Shastri C M., Deepak Shetti., Indu K Murthy., Murali K S and Ravindranath N H, 2016. Trends in Yield of Selected Non-Timber Forest Product Yielding Species in the Western Ghats, India: Implications for Sustainability, International Journal of Advanced Earth Science and Engineering, Accepted for Publication. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  15. Murthy, Indu K., S Bhat., V Sathyanarayan., SPatgar., Beerappa M., P R Bhat., D M Bhat., Ravindranath N H., Khalid M A., Prashant M., SIyer, Daniel M Bebber and R Saxena, 2016. Vegetation Structure and Composition of Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous Forests in Uttara Kannada District, Western Ghats under Different Disturbance Regimes, Tropical Ecology, Vol. 57, Issue No. 1.
  16. SudamSahu, H S. Suresh, N H Ravindranath, 2016. Forest Structure, Composition and Above Ground Biomass of Tree Community in Tropical Dry Forests of Eastern Ghats, India, NotulaeScientiiaBiologicae8(1):125-133. DOI: 10.15835/nsb.8.1.9746, Academic Press.
  17. Murthy, Indu K, S Bhat., V Sathyanarayan., S Patgar., Beerappa M., P R Bhat., D M Bhat., Ravindranath N H., Khalid M A., Prashant M., S Iyer, D M Bebber and R Saxena, 2015. Biomass and Carbon Stock Dynamics in Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous Forests of Uttara Kannada District, Western Ghats, India, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Volume 15, Issue 5, Version 1.0. 
  18. R Irfan, Shakil A R, R K Chaturvedi, NH Ravindranath, R Sukumar, Mathangi J, T V Lakshmi, J Sharma (2015) Projected Climate Change Impacts on Vegetation Distribution over Himalayas. Climatic Change.DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1456-5. [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  19. J, Sujata Upgupta, Rajesh Kumar, R K Chaturvedi, G. Bala, N H Ravindranath (2015) Assessment of inherent vulnerability of forests at landscape level: a case study from Western Ghats in India. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. DOI: 10.1007/s11027-015-9659-7 [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  20. Sharma J, R K Chaturvedi, G. Bala, Ravindranath NH., (2015) Assessing “inherent vulnerability” of forests: a methodological approach and a case study from Western Ghats, India. Mitigation Adaptation Strategies to Global Change20:4, 573-590[CLIMATE CHANGE].
  21. Sujata Upgupta, J Sharma, Mathangi J, V Kumar, N H Ravindranath 2015 “Climate change impact and vulnerability assessment of forests in the Indian Western Himalayan region: A case study of Himachal Pradesh, India”, Climate Risk Management. Climate Risk Management. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  22. Sahu S C., Suresh H S., Murthy I K and Ravindranath N H, 2015. Mangrove Area Assessment in India: Implications of Loss of Mangroves, Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change, Volume 6, Issue 5.


Journal Publications during 2010 to 2014


  1. Creutzig, F, Ravindranath NH, et al 2014. Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment, Global Change Biology, July 2014. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  2. N H Ravindranath, Murthy I K, Joshi Priya, Sujata Upgupta, SwapanMehra and Srivastava Nalin, 2014. Forest area estimation and reporting: implications for conservation, management and REDD+, Current Science, 106, No. 9, 10 May 2014. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  3. Indu K Murthy, Ravindranath N H, Rakesh Tiwari, Hegde G T, Beerappa M, Kameswar Rao, 2014. Comparison of Mitigation Potential Estimates of Three Models Using the IPCC 3-tier Approach, 2014. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Vol. 6, Issue 3, August 2014. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  4. Indu K. Murthy., Savithri Bhat., Vani Sathyanarayan., Sridhar Patgar., Beerappa M., P R Bhat., D M Bhat., Ranjith Gopalakrishnan., Mathangi Jayaraman., Madhushree Munsi., Ravindranath N H., Khalid M A., Prashant M., Sudha Iyer and Raghuvansh Saxena 2013. Implications of Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Product Flows and Dependent Communities in the Western Ghats, India,Journal of Forest and Environmental Science, 30, No. 2, pp. 189-200, May, 2014. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  5. Rakesh Tiwari, Ramakrishna Parama VR, Indu K Murthy and NH Ravindranath, 2014. Irrigation Tank Silt Application to Croplands: Quantifying Effect on Soil Quality and Evaluation of Nutrient Substitution Service, International Journal of Agricultural Science Research, Vol. 3(1), pp.001-010, January 2014. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  6. Rajiv K Chaturvedi, D. Ravindranath, H. Ravindranath. 2014. Mainstreaming Adaptation to climate change in Indian policy planning (2014) International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics. ISSN 0971-8281. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  7. Sharma J, Chaturvedi RK, Bala G, Ravindranath NH. 2013. Challenges in Vulnerability Assessment for Forest Carbon Management under Climate Change, Carbon Management, 2013. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  8. Sharma, Jagmohan; Chaturvedi, Rajiv Kumar; Bala, G.; Ravindranath, N. H. 2013. Assessing “inherent vulnerability” of forests: a methodological approach and a case study from Western Ghats, India, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change: 1-18, September 10, 2013. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  9. Deepak P K, P. Balachandra, N H Ravindranath, Veilumuthu, 2013. Ashok A, GIS-based spatial data mining approach for optimal location and capacity planning of distributed biomass power generation facilities: A case study of Tumkur district, India Energy,
  10. Indu K. Murthy, Nitasha S and Ravindranath N H, 2013. Harnessing REDD+ opportunities for forest conservation and carbon stock enhancement in the Northeastern States of India, Vol.5, No.3, 349-358 (2013), Natural Science, doi:10.4236/ns.2013.53048 [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  11. Indu K Murthy, Mohini Gupta, Sonam Tomar, Munsi, M, Rakesh Tiwari, GT Hegde and Ravindranath NH, 2013. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems in India, Journal of Earth Science and Climate Change, 2013, 4:1, [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  12. R K Chaturvedi, Ravindranath, N.H. Ravindranath. Mainstreaming Adaptation to climate change in Indian policy planning, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 2014. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  13. Malini Nair, H. Ravindranath, Sharma, N, R Kattumuri and Madhushree Munshi, 2013. Poverty index as a tool for adaptation intervention to climate change in northeast India, Climate and Development, Volume 5, Issue 1. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  14. Tashina Esteves, K V Rao, Bhaskar Sinha, S S Roy, BhaskarRao, Shashidhar kumar Jha, Ajay Bhan Singh, Patil Vishal, Sharma Nitasha, ShashankaRao, Murthy I K, Rajeev Sharma, Ilona Porsche, Basu K, N H Ravindranath, Agricultural and Livelihood Vulnerability Reduction through the MGNREGA, Vol XLVIII no 94 52, Economic & Political Weekly, December 28, 2013. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  15. R K Chaturvedi, J Joshi, M Jayaraman, G. Bala and H. Ravindranath., 2012.Multi-model climate change projections for India under representative concentration pathwaysCurrent Science, Vol. 103, No. 7 [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  16. H. Ravindranath,Rajiv K Chaturvedi, 2012. Forest carbon management under the changing climate: Research challenges Carbon Management, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2012. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  17. C Jamir., N Sharma., A Sengupta and H. Ravindranath, 2012.Farmers’ vulnerability to climate variability in Dimapur district of Nagaland, India, Regional Environmental Change, DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-0324-3. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  18. S Chaliha., A Sengupta., N Sharma and H. Ravindranath, 2012. Climate variability and farmer’s vulnerability in a flood-prone district of Assam International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Vol. 4: 2, pp.179–200. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  19. Khajuria A. and Ravindranath, N H, 2012.Climate Change in Context of Indian Agricultural Sector, Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1000110. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  20. Khajuria A. and Ravindranath, N H, 2012.Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Approaches DPSIR Framework and Vulnerability Index, Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1000109. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  21. H. Ravindranath, N Srivastava, I K. Murthy, S Malaviya, M Munsi and N Sharma., 2012. Deforestation and forest degradation in India – implications for REDD+, Current Science, Vol. 102, No. 8. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  22. Murthy I. K., Alipuria Kumar Arvind and Ravindranath N H., Potential for Increasing Carbon Sinks in Himachal Pradesh Tropical Ecology, 53 (3): 357-369. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  23. Rakesh Tiwari, Indu K Murthy and N H Ravindranath. Indicator based approach for monitoring natural resources of village ecosystems: Findings from select ecosystems of southern India Environment, Development and Sustainability, Vol. 14, issue 2, pages 253-271, April 2012. [OTHERS]
  24. Gopalakrishnan, G. Bala, M. Jayaraman, L. Cao, R. Nemani, NH Ravindranath., 2011.Sensitivity of terrestrial water and energy budgets to CO2-physiological forcing: an investigation using an offline land model, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 6, Number 4. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  25. Bhat D.M. and Ravindranath N.H., 2011.Above – Ground Standing Biomass and Carbon Stock Dynamics under a Varied Degree of Anthropogenic Pressure in Tropical Rain Forests of Uttara Kannada District, Western Ghats, India Taiwania 56 (2) pp : 85-96. [FORESTRY]
  26. Ravindranath, N.H. and Sita Lakshmi, C. and M, Ritumbra and Balachandra, P., 2011. Biofuel production and implications for land use, food production and environment in India Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 39(10), pages 5737-5745 [ENERGY]
  27. Gopalakrishnan, M. Jayaraman, G. Bala and N. H. Ravindranath., 2011.Climate change and Indian forests Current Science, 101 (3), 348-355 [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  28. Subodh K. Sharma…, H.Ravindranath.. et al. 2011. Greenhouse gas inventory estimates for India Current Science, 101 (3), 348-355. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  29. H. Ravindranath et al. 2011. Climate Change vulnerability profiles for North East India Current Science, 101 (3), 384-394. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  30. Rakesh Tiwari…. and N H Ravindranath., MGNREGA for Environmental Service Enhancement and Vulnerability Reduction: Rapid Appraisal in Chitradurga District, Karnataka Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XLVI No 20. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  31. K. Chaturvedi, R Gopalakrishnan, M Jayaraman, G Bala, N. V. Joshi, R Sukumar and N. H. Ravindranath., 2011. Impact of climate change on Indian forests: a dynamic vegetation modeling approach Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp 119-142. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  32. Govindasamy Bala., Ranjith Gopalakrishnan., Mathangi Jayaraman., Ramakrishna Nemani and H. Ravindranath., 2011. CO2-fertilization and potential future terrestrial carbon uptake in India Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 16, Issue 2. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  33. Murthy I K, Rakesh Tiwari and H. Ravindranath., 2011.Climate change and forests in India: adaptation opportunities and challenges Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp 161-175. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  34. H. Ravindranath, R K. Chaturvedi, N. V. Joshi, R. Sukumar and J Sathaye., 2011. Implications of climate change on mitigation potential estimates for forest sector in India Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 16, Issue 2. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  35. A Aaheim, R. Gopalakrishnan, R K Chaturvedi, H. Ravindranath, A D. Sagadevan, N. Sharma and T Wei., 2011. A macroeconomic analysis of adaptation to climate change impacts on forests in India, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,Volume 16, Issue 2. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  36. S Afreen, N Sharma, R K. Chaturvedi, R Gopalakrishnan and H. Ravindranath., 2011.Forest policies and programs affecting vulnerability and adaptation to climate change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 16, Issue 2. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  37. M Palm, M Ostwald, I. K. Murthy, R. K. Chaturvedi and  H. Ravindranath., 2011.Barriers to plantation activities in different agro-ecological zones of Southern India Regional Environmental Change, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp 423-435. [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  38. Hiremath, Bimlesh Kumar, P.Balachandra and N.H. Ravindranath, 2011. Decentralised Sustainable Energy Planning of Tumkur District, India, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 38, 2, 248-258, 2011 [ENERGY].
  39. Hiremath, Bimlesh Kumar, P.Balachandra and N.H. Ravindranath, 2011. Implications of Decentralised Energy Planning for Rural India, Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment, 2, 31-40, 2011. [ENERGY].
  40. N H Ravindranath., 2010.The Copenhagen Accord Current Science, Vol. 98, No. 6. [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  41. Chaturvedi RK,Gopalakrishnan R, Sukumar R, Ravindranath N. H.,   Carbon management in Indian forests: a policy analysis to assess mitigation potential Carbon Management, Vol.  1, No.1. [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  42. N H Ravindranath., IPCC: Accomplishments, controversies and challenges Current Science, Vol. 99, No. 1. [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  43. R Tiwari, Murthy I. K., J Killi, K Kandula, P R Bhat, R. Nagarajan, V. Kommu, K Rao and Ravindranath N.H., Land use dynamics in select village ecosystems of southern India: Drivers and implications Journal of Land Use Science, Volume 5, Issue 3. [Others] .
  44. Ravindranath N H and Murthy I K., 2010. Greening India Mission; A Critical Review Current Science, 99, No. 4 (25). [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  45. J M Rootzén, G Berndes, N H Ravindranath, H I Somashekar, I K Murthy, P Sudha, and M Ostwald., 2010. Carbon sequestration versus bioenergy: A case study from South India exploring the relative land-use efficiency of two options for climate change mitigation Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 34, 116–123. [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  46. Balachandra, P., R Darshini and Ravindranath, N.H.,Energy efficiency in India: Assessing the policy regimes and their impacts Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 38(11), pages 6428-6438. [ENERGY].
  47. Hiremath R., K, Bimlesh., Balachandra, P. and Ravindranath, N.H., 2010.Bottom-up approach for decentralised energy planning: Case study of Tumkur district in India Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 38(2), pages 862-874. [ENERGY].
  48. R Hiremath., B Kumar., P. Balachandra and H Ravindranath., 2010.Sustainable bioenergy production strategies for rural India Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Springer, vol. 15(6), pages 571-590 [ENERGY].


Journal Publications pre-2010


  1. H. Ravindranath and P. Balachandra., 2009. Sustainable bioenergy for India: Technical, economic and policy analysis Energy, Vol. 34, Pages 1003 – 1013, [ENERGY].
  2. Palm M., Ostwald M., Berndes G. and Ravindranath N.H., Application of clean DevelopmentMechanism to forest plantation projects and rural development in India, Applied Geography2:2-11, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  3. D P Kaundinya, P. Balachandra and H. Ravindranath., 2009.Grid-connected versus stand – alone energy systems for decentralized power – A review of literature Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 13, Pages 2041-2050, [ENERGY].
  4. Hiremath, Bimlesh Kumar, P. Balachandra, N.H. Ravindranath, B.N. RaghunandanDecentralised renewable energy: Scope, relevance and applications in the Indian context Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 13, Pages 4-10, [ENERGY].
  5. HiremathBimlesh Kumar, P.Balachandra and N.H. Ravindranath – Bioenergy and Food Security: Indian Context, Energy for Sustainable Development, Elsevier, 13, 4, 265-270, 2009, [ENERGY].
  6. Hiremath, Bimlesh Kumar, P. Balachandra, N.H. Ravindranath and B.N. Raghunandan- Decentralised Energy Planning Through a Case Study of Typical Village in India, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 1, 4, 043103-1, 043103-24, 2009.  [ENERGY].
  7. Ravindranath, N H., R K Chaturvedi and I K. Murthy., 2008. Forest conservation, afforestation and reforestation in India: Implications for forest carbon stocks Current Science, Vol. 95, No. 2 / 25, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  8. K. Chaturvedi, R Tiwari and N.H. Ravindranath., 2008.Climate change and forests in India International Forestry Review, Vol 10(2), [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  9. H. Ravindranath., 2007.Mitigation and Adaptation Synergy in Forest Sector Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 12, Number 5, pp 843-853, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  10. H. Ravindranath, I K. Murthy, P. Sudha, V. Ramprasad, M.D.V. Nagendra, C.A. Sahana, H. Khan, and K.G Srivathsa, 2007. Methodological Issues In Forestry Mitigation Projects: A Case Study Of Kolar District Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 12, Number 6, pp 1077-1098, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  11. Sudha, V. Ramprasad, , M.D.V. Nagendra, H. D. Kulkarni, and N. H. Ravindranath., 2007.Development of an Agroforestry Carbon Sequestration Project in Khammam District, India Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 12:1131-1152, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  12. Hiremath, S. Shikha and N.H. Ravindranath., 2007.Decentralized energy planning; modeling and application review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 5, pp 729-75, [ENERGY].
  13. H. Ravindranath, I.K. Murthy, R.K. Chaturvedi, K. Andrasko, and J. Sathaye., 2007. Carbon Forestry Economic Mitigation Potential In India By Land Classification Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 12:1027-1052, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  14. Sudha, D. Shubhashree, H. Khan, G.T. Hedge, I.K. Murthy, Shreedhara, N.H. Ravindranath., 2007.Estimating Land Suitability and Development of Regional Baseline for a Dominant Agro-ecological Zone of Karnataka, India Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 12:1051–1075, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  15. H. Ravindranath, N.V. Joshi, R. Sukumar and A. Saxena., 2006. Impact of climate change on forest in India Current Science, Vol. 90 No. 3, pp 354-361, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  16. H. Ravindranath, P. Balachandra, S. Dasappa and K. Usha, Rao., 2006. Bioenergy technologies for carbon abatement Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 30, Issue 10, pp 826-837, [ENERGY].
  17. Sathaye, P. R. Shukla and N. H. Ravindranath., 2006. Climate change, sustainable development and India: Global and national concerns Current Science, Vol. 90 No. 3, pp 314-324, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  18. K. Murthy, G.T. Hegde, P. Sudha and N.H. Ravindranath., 2006.Methodological issues in developing a community forestry mitigation project in Mancherial forest division of Andhra Pradesh, India Environmental Science and Policy, Vol. 9, Issue 6, pp 525-537, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  19. H. Ravindranath, K.S. Murali and P. Sudha., 2006. Community forestry initiatives in Southeast Asia: a review of ecological impactsInt. J. Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 1-11, [FORESTRY].
  20. Sudha… and N.H. Ravindranath., 2006. Forest protection and regeneration under joint forest planning and management in Eastern Plains and Western Ghats of Karnataka, India Int. J. Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 70-84, [FORESTRY].
  21. K S. Murali, Indu K. Murthy and H. Ravindranath., 2006. Sustainable Community Forest Management Systems: A Study on Community Forest Management and Joint Forest Management Institutions from India International Review for Environmental Strategies, 6(1):23-40, [FORESTRY].
  22. K. Murthy…. and N. H. Ravindranath., 2005.Tree diversity and carbon sinks – role of village agro-ecosystems in the Western ghats, India International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, Vol.3, No.2, pp 114–121, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  23. H. Ravindranath, H. I. Somashekar, M. S. Nagaraja, P. Sudha, G. Sangeetha, S. C. Bhattacharya and P. Abdul Salam., 2005. Assessment of sustainable non-plantation biomass resources potential for energy in India Biomass and Bioenergy, 29, pp 178-190, [ENERGY].
  24. K. Murthy, P. R. Bhat, N. H. Ravindranath and R. Sukumar., 2005. Financial valuation of non-timber forest product flows in Uttara Kannada district, Western Ghats, Karnataka Current Science, Vol.88, No. 10, pp 1573-79, [FORESTRY].
  25. R. Bhat, Indu K. Murthy and N. H. Ravindranath., 2005.Diversity of Non-Timber Forest Produce and Their Significance in Rural Area of Western Ghats Int. Journal Usufruct Management, No. 2, pp 1-10, [FORESTRY].
  26. T. Hegde, K. S. Murali, D. M. Bhat, P. R. Bhat and N. H. Ravindranath., 2005.Effect of protection on regeneration in some selected village forests under community protection in Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka, India Current Science, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp 810-815, [FORESTRY].
  27. M. Bhat, K. S. Murali and N. H. Ravindranath., 2005.Herb layer productivity under different light gaps in the forests of Western Ghats of Karnataka, India Int. J. Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Vol. 4, No.1, pp 93-100, [FORESTRY].
  28. S. Murali, D. M. Bhat and N. H. Ravindranath., 2005.Biomass estimation equations for tropical deciduous and evergreen forests Int. J. Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Vol. 4, No.1, pp 81-92, [FORESTRY].
  29. H. Ravindranath, H. I. Somashekar, S. Dasappa and C. N. Jayasheela Reddy., 2004. Sustainable biomass power for rural India, Case study of biomass gasifier for village electrification Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 7, pp 932-941, [ENERGY].
  30. H. Ravindranath, I. K. Murthy, P. Sudha, K. N. Geetha, G. Sangeetha., 2003. Assessment of Afforestation and Agroforestry as Potential CDM Activities in Semi-arid Tumkur District, India Journal of Environmental Studies and Policy, 6(1), pp 45-60, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  31. C. Bhattacharya, P. Abdul Salam, H. L. Pham, N. H. Ravindranath., 2003.Sustainable biomass production for energy in selected Asian countries Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 25 pp 471-482, [ENERGY].
  32. R. Bhat, K. S. Murali, G. T. Hegde, C. M. Shastri, D. M. Bhat, Indu K. Murthy and N. H. Ravindranath., 2003.Annual variation in Non-timber forest product yield in the Western Ghats, Karnataka, India Current Science, Vol. 85, No. 9, pp 1350–1355, [FORESTRY].
  33. Sudha, H. I. Somashekar, S. Rao and N. H. Ravindranath., 2003.Sustainable Biomass production for energy in India Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 5, pp 501-515, [ENERGY].
  34. S. Murali, R. J. Rao, P. Sudha, G. Sangeetha, I. K Murthy and N. H. Ravindranath., 2003.Evaluation studies of Joint Forest Management in India: Social and institutional implications International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No.1, pp 19-35, [FORESTRY].
  35. M. Bhat, K. S. Murali and N. H. Ravindranath., 2003.Carbon stock dynamics in the tropical rain forests of the Uttara Kannada district, Western Ghats, India International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp 139-149, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  36. S. Murali, R. J Rao, and N. H. Ravindranath., 2003.Institutional and Policy Issues of Participatory Forestry: Indian Experience Tropical Ecology, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp 73-84, [FORESTRY].
  37. M. Shastri, D. M. Bhat, B. C. Nagaraja, K. S. Murali, and N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.Tree species diversity in a village ecosystem in Uttara Kannada District in Western Ghats, Karnataka Current Science, Vol. 82, No. 9, pp 101-105, FORESTRY].
  38. Usha Rao and N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.Policies to overcome barriers to the spread of bioenergy technologies in India Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. VI, No. 3, pp 59-74,
  39. K. Murthy, K. S. Murali, G. T. Hegde, P. R. Bhat and N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.A comparative Analysis of regeneration in natural forests and joint forest management plantations in Uttara Kannada district, Western Ghats Current Science, Vol. 83, No. 11, pp 1358-1364, [FORESTRY].
  40. S. Murali, R. Jagannatha Rao, N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.Evaluation Studies of Joint Forest Management in India: A Review of analytical Process International Journal and Environment and Sustainable development, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 184-198, [FORESTRY].
  41. S. Murali, I. K. Murthy, N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.Joint Forest management in India and its ecological impacts Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp 512-528, [FORESTRY].
  42. Clark, S. Binkley, D. Brand, Z. Harkin, G. Ball, H. Ravindranath et al. 2002. Carbon sink by Forest Sector- Options and needs for implementation Forest Policy and Economics, 4, pp 65-77, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  43. N. Pretty, A. S. Ball, Li Xiaoyan and N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.The role of sustainable agriculture and renewable resource management in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing sinks in China and India Phil. Trans. Royal. Society London. A, Vol. 360, pp 1741-1761, [CLIMATE CHANGE]
  44. M. Shastri, G. Sangeetha and N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.Dissemination of Efficient ASTRA Stove: Case study of a successful entrepreneur in Sirsi, India Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 102-106, [ENERGY].
  45. S. Murali, R. J. Rao, P. Sudha, G. Sangeetha, I K. Murthy and N. H. Ravindranath., 2002.Evaluation Studies of JFM in India: Social and Institutional Implications Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No.1, pp 19-35, [FORESTRY].
  46. A. Sathaye…., N. H. Ravindranath.. et al. 2001. Carbon Mitigation Potential and Costs of forestry options in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, the Philippines and Tanzania Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Vol. 6, No. 3-4, pp 185-211.
  47. M. Bhat, K. S. Murali, and N. H. Ravindranath., 2001.Assessment of propagation techniques for forest species of the Western Ghat region of India Forest Trees and Livelihoods, Vol. 11, pp 233-250, [FORESTRY].
  48. K Narendran, I. K. Murthy, H. S. Suresh, H. S. Dattaraja, H. Ravindranath and R. Sukumar., 2001. Non timber Forest Product Extraction, Utilization and Valuation: A Case Study from the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Southern India Economic Botany, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp 528-538,
  49. H. Ravindranath, R. Lasco and P. Sudha., 2001. Assessment of GHG Inventories from the LUCF sector of Annex-I countries Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Vol. 11, pp 233-250, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  50. H. Ravindranath, P. Sudha, and R. Sandhya., 2001. Forestry for sustainable biomass production and carbon sequestration in India Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Vol. 6, pp 233-256, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  51. R. Bhat, H. N. Chanakya and N. H. Ravindranath., 2001.Biogas Plant Dissemination: Success story of Sirsi, India Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No.1, pp 39-46, [ENERGY].
  52. I. Somashekar, S. Dasappa and N. H. Ravindranath., 2000.Rural bioenergy Centre, based on Biomass gasifiers for Decentralization of power generation: Case study of two villages in southern India Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 55-63, [ENERGY].
  53. Sudha and N. H. Ravindranath., 2000.A study of Bangalore urban forest Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 47, pp 47-63, [FORESTRY].
  54. H. Ravindranath et al. 1999. Concerns about Climate Mitigation Projects: Summary of findings from Case studies in Brazil, India, Mexico and South Africa Environmental Science and Policy, Vol. 2, pp 187-198, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  55. Sudha and N. H. Ravindranath., 1999.Land availability and biomass production potential in India Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp 207-221, [ENERGY].
  56. H. Ravindranath and R. Sukumar., 1998. Climate change and tropical forests in India Climatic Change, Vol. 39, pp 563-581, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  57. Sathaye and N. H. Ravindranath., 1998.Climate change mitigation in the energy and forestry sectors of developing countries Annual Review of Energy and Environment, Vol. 23, pp 387-437, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  58. H. Ravindranath and J. Ramakrishna., 1997. Energy options for cooking in India Energy Policy, Vol. 25, No.1, pp 63-75, [ENERGY]
  59. Sathaye and N. H. Ravindranath., 1997.Policies, Measures and the Monitoring needs of forest sector Carbon mitigationMitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, pp 217-230, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  60. H. Ravindranath, B. S. Somasekhar, and M. Gadgil., 1997. Carbon flow in Indian forests Climatic Change, Vol. 35, pp 297-320, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  61. K. Kadekodi, and N. H. Ravindranath., 1997.Macro-economic analysis of forestry options on carbon sequestration in India Ecological Economics, Vol. 23, pp 201-223,
  62. H. Ravindranath and P. R. Bhat., 1997. Monitoring of carbon abatement in forestry projects – case study of Western Ghat project Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, pp 217-230, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  63. Gupta and N. H. Ravindranath., 1997. Financial analysis of cooking in India Energy conservation and management, Vol. 38, No.18, pp 1869-1876, [ENERGY].
  64. H. Ravindranath and D. O. Hall., 1996. Sustainable forestry for bioenergy vs. forestry for carbon sequestration as climate change mitigation options The Environment Professional, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 119-124, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  65. H. Ravindranath and D. O. Hall., 1996. Estimates of feasible productivities of short rotation tropical forestry plantation Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp 14-20,
  66. H. Ravindranath and R. Sukumar., 1996. Impacts of climate change on forest cover in India Commonwealth Forestry Review, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp 76-79, [CLIMATE CHANGE].
  67. H. Ravindranath and B. S. Somashekhar., 1995. Potential and economics of forestry options for carbon sequestration in India Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp 323-336,
  68. M. Bhat, N. H. Ravindranath, and M. Gadgil., 1995. Effect of lopping intensity on tree growth and stand productivity in tropical forests Journal of Tropical Forest Science, Vol. 8, No.1, pp 15-23, [FORESTRY].
  69. H. Ravindranath and D. O. Hall., 1994. Indian forest conservation and tropical deforestation Ambio, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp 521-523, [FORESTRY].
  70. Shailaja, N. H. Ravindranath, H. I. Somashekar and K. S. Jagadish., 1994. Biomass generation in mixed tree plantations Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 51-55.
  71. H. Ravindranath., 1993.Biomass gasification: an environmentally sound technology for decentralized power generation, a case study of India Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 49‑60, [ENERGY].
  72. N. Srinivas, N. H. Ravindranath, S. Dasappa, U. Shrinivasa, and H. S. Mukunda., 1992. Wood gasifier based rural power generation system: a case study Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 93‑106, [ENERGY].
  73. R. Bhat, D. M. Bhat, N. H. Ravindranath, and M. Gadgil., 1992. Microlevel planning for sustainable development of two village ecosystems in Uttara Kannada district Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 69‑78, [OTHERS].
  74. H. Ravindranath, M. M. Nayak, R. S. Hiriyur, and C. R. Dinesh., 1991. Status and use of tree biomass in a semi‑arid village ecosystem Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 9‑6, [
  75. H. Ravindranath, H. L. Dattaprasad, and H. I. Somashekar., 1990. A rural energy system based on energy forest and wood gasifier Current Science, Vol. 59, No. 11, pp 557‑560,
  76. H. Ravindranath, R. Shailaja, and A. Revankar., 1989. Dissemination and evaluation of fuel efficient and smokeless ASTRA stove in Karnataka Energy Environment Monitor, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp 48‑60, [ENERGY].
  77. H. Ravindranath, D. S. S. Babu, and R. Shailaja., 1989. Conservation of biomass: potential of a fuel-efficient wood stove Energy Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp 14‑20, [ENERGY].
  78. H. Ravindranath, and R. Shailaja., 1988. Village biomass energy needs and tree planting Boiling point, Vol. 17, pp. 16-18, [ENERGY].
  79. H. Ravindranath, and H. N. Chanakya., 1986. Biomass based energy system for a south Indian village Biomass, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 215‑234, [ENERGY]
  80. Baldwin, H. Geller, G. Dutt, and N. H. Ravindranath., 1985.Improved wood burning cookstoves: signs of success Ambio, Vol. XIV, No. 4‑5, pp 280‑287, [ENERGY].
  81. H. Ravindranath et al. 1981. An Indian village agricultural ecosystem – case study of Ungra Village – Part I: main observations, Biomass, Vol. 1, pp 61‑76,


Book Chapters


  1. S Malaviya and N H. Ravindranath Implications of Climate Change on Sustainable BiofuelProduction in AfricaIn: Bioenergy for Sustainable Development in Africa, Ed: Rainer J and D. Rutz, Springer, 2012.
  2. Ravindranath N H, Murthy I. K. and Shilpa Swarnim Options for Forest Management for Coping with Climate Change in South Asia In: Climate Change and Food Security in South Asia, Eds. Rattan Lal et al., Springer, 2011.
  3. Subhashree Das and H. Ravindaranth Remote Sensing Techniques for Biomass Production and Carbon Sequestration Project In: Rosillo-Calle Frank, S. Hemsterk and Jeremy Woods (Eds.), Biomass Assessment Handbook, Earthscan, London, 2007
  4. H. Ravindranath and Usha Rao Environmental effects of energy from biomass and municipal solid waste, In: Jose Goldemberg (Ed.), Interactions: Energy / Environment, Encyclopedia of life support system, UNESCO-ELOSS, 2005
  5. H. Ravindranath, P. Sudha, I. K. Murthy, T. S. Sukanya. Uncertainty Reduction, Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedure for GHG Inventory in the LUCF Sector In: A.P. Mitra, S. K. Sharma, S. Bhattacharya and A. Garg (Eds.), Uncertainty Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2004
  6. H. Ravindranath, I K. Murthy and K. S. Murali Community Forest Resource Management in India: Initiatives & Experience In: Contemporary Studies in Natural Resource Management in India, Eds: S. B. Roy, Ganesh Yadav and Raktima Mukherjee, Inter-India Publications, New Delhi, 2003
  7. Sudha, I.K. Murthy and N. H. Ravindranath Tree Growers’ Cooperatives: A Participatory Approach to Reclaim Degraded Lands. In: Methodological and Technological Issues In: Technology Transfer, Intergovernmental Governmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2001
  8. Sudha and N. H. Ravindranath Carbon sequestration benefits of Reduced-Impact logging. In: Methodological and Technological Issues In: Technology Transfer, Intergovernmental Governmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2001
  9. H. Ravindranath, A. Meili and R. Anita Tamarind Orchards: Agro Forestry for Dry Lands In: Riemer. P. W. F et al (Eds.), Greenhouse Gas Mitigation; Technologies for Activities Implemented Jointly, Elsevier, Oxford, 1998
  10. H. Ravindranath, H. N. Chanakya and John M Kerr An ecosystem approach for the analysis of biomass energy In: John M. Kerr et al (Eds.), Natural resource economics; Theory and application in India,Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi, 1997
  11. H. Ravindranath Biodiversity and human welfare In: Padmanabhan, G., Biswas, M., Shaila, M.S and Vishweshwara, S. (Eds.),The web of life, Hardwood Academic Publishers, 1997
  12. H. Ravindranath, M. Gadgil and J. Campbell Ecological stabilization and community needs; managing India’s forest by objective In: Mark Poffenberger and Betsy McGean (Eds.), Village voices, forest choices: Joint Forest Management in India, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1996
  13. H. Ravindranath, and H. I. Somashekar Distribution of tree species on different sized farms in a semi-arid village In: N. C. Saxena and Vishwa Ballabh (Eds.), Farm forestry in South Asia, Sage Publications, India, 1995
  14. S. Dutt, and N. H. Ravindranath Bioenergy: Direct application in cooking In: T. B. Johansson, H. Kelly, A.K.N. Reddy, R. H. Williams (Eds.), Renewable Energy Sources of Fuels and Electricity, Island Press, Washington, D.C, 653-697, 1993
  15. H. Ravindranath Evaluation of the ASTRA stove programme, In: Stoves for people (Eds. Roberto Caceres), Intermediate Technology Publications, London, 1989
  16. K.N. Reddy and N. H. Ravindranath Biomass, village energy and rural development, In: Biomass – Regenerable Energy, (Eds. Hall, D.O and Overend, R.P), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1987