Dr. N.H. Ravindranath

Professor (Retd.)

Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India, nh.ravi@gmail.com

Dr. Ravindranath (Ravi) is a retired Professor from Centre for Sustainable Technologies of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Before joining Indian Institute of Science, he obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Agriculture and a PhD from IIT-Bombay. ProfRavindranath has focused his research, advocacy and publications on various dimensions of Climate Change: Mitigation Assessment, Carbon Sequestration Modeling, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in Land Use Sectors, Impact of Climate Change and Vulnerability Assessment in Forest and Agro-ecosystems, Adaptation and Climate Resilience, Forest Ecology, CDM and REDD+ Projects. He has also worked on Bioenergy, Biofuels and Biomass Production, Environmental / Ecosystem Services, and Citizen Science.

  1. He is an author for 12 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Assessment Reports on Climate Change – WMO and UNEP focusing on mitigation in forest sector.
  2. He is an author for IPBES (Inter-Governmental Platform on Bio-diversity and Eco-system Services) – Reports.
  3. He was the Scientific Advisory Panel Member for Global Environmental Outlook (GEO 6) of UNEP.
  4. He was the Science Technology Advisory Panel (STAP) member of GEF (Global Environmental Facility) for Climate Change Focal Area during 2008 – 2012.
  5. He is a UNFCCC expert reviewer for GHG (Greenhouse Gas) inventory reports
  6. He is member of Science Policy Initiative Expert committee of UNCCD.
  7. He has published 8 books (from Oxford and Cambridge Uni. Press, Kluwer, and Springer Publishers) out of which 4 are on Climate Change.
  8. He has published over 160 peer reviewed scientific papers, out of which over 60 are on Climate Change.
  9. He has worked for or advised many State governments in India on “Assessment of Climate Change Projections, Impacts and Vulnerability”.
  10. He is an expert for several World Bank, UN and bilateral agency projects on climate change.
  11. He was on the Editorial Board of several top International Journals such as; Environmental Research Letters, Biomass and Bioenergy, MITI journal, etc.

A study conducted by Stanford University recognized Prof. Ravindranath as one among the 2% of the world’s most-cited researchers.